This American Life & SNL Influencing my dreams...

I woke up this morning from the strangest dream.

In the dream I went to a party.  It was at like a bookstore?  There were dark, wooden bookshelves lining all the walls and nooks and crannies with tables and chairs in which to get lost.  As I entered the party I found one nook where Seth Myers from SNL was hanging out with Ira Glass the host This American Life and Jonathan Goldstein, a contributor to This American Life.  I walked into the nook and immediately noticed that Seth was wearing these ridiculous Ed Hardy-like, grafittied jeans.  I smirked at him (because in the dream we were old friends and I was allowed to make fun of him) and said, sarcastically, "Nice pants." He rolled his eyes and said, darkly, "Thanks, Jonathan gave them to me." So I looked at Jonathan with a look that said, "Really?  Really Jonathan? Those are the most ridiculous pants I've ever seen!" At that exact moment, David Rakoff, another This American Life contributor walked up to us and without missing a beat from when Seth said, "Thanks, Jonathan gave them to me," I clapped David on the shoulder and said, "Speaking of Jonathan Goldstein, has everyone read David Rakoff's new book?"  This was apparently the funniest thing in the world for me to say.  Like it was some kind of bizarre inside joke and Ira started busting out laughing, you know in that cute Ira Glass laugh that he has?  In that moment what I had said was totally brilliant and funny and I was the hit of that party.  So in the dream I of course quickly walked away from them before my brilliant and funny moment could be tainted by the next unbrilliant and unfunny moment.

Weird dream, huh?  But when I woke up I felt the brilliant and funny feeling from the dream!  It was good!  I liked that feeling!  I wished I could hold onto it, which is why I immediately scribbled down this dream so I wouldn't forget it.  It sure doesn't retain it's brilliance and humor as I typed it up here.  Oh well, such is the stuff of dreams....

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