My Top 10 Films of 2010 - Finally

Black Swan - Natalie Portman absolutely deserves the Oscar she will most likely get.

Shutter Island - I think Shutter Island actually did a MUCH better job at what Inception was TRYING to do. If that makes any sense. Plus the art direction and score are phenomenal.

The Kids Are All Right - Annette Bening is getting all the raves for this one, but can we please talk about Julianne Moore? For me her performance was the much more heartbreaking and honest of the two.

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Part One - I'm dreading saying goodbye to Harry, Hermione, and Ron. This film has perfectly set us up for the final film and showed us what's really at stake in their world. Oh, and the animation sequence that explained the Deathly Hallows was gorgeous.

True Grit - I didn't care much for No Country For Old Men so was leery about seeing another Coen Brothers film but I'm sure glad I didn't miss this. Roger Deakins is a brilliant cinematographer and this film is like a showcase of everything he can do. And how fantastic was Barry Pepper??? Despite the upper echelon of actors in this film, Barry was able to steal every scene in which he appeared, which was unfortunately too few. And I can't wait to see what that Hailee Steinfeld does next.

The King's Speech - Colin Firth is doing some of the best work of his life. I wanted him to win the Oscar last year for A Single Man. He just might take it this year. What truly amazed me about this film is that director Tom Hooper was able to garner so much tension and anticipation on the simple act of a man giving a speech.

Never Let Me Go - I'm saddened by how much Mark Romanek's film was overlooked by the general public. It's a devastatingly beautiful and intellectually profound piece of art.

Nowhere Boy - Another overlooked gem. Who da thunk that boy from Kick Ass could exhibit a range that would include this searing portrait of the young John Lennon?

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World - This is the one movie this year that I've found myself watching over and over and over again. It was practically ignored in the theaters but is destined to be a cult classic on DVD. Funny, clever, rocking. I love it.

The Social Network - Yes, yes Jesse Eisenberg (and his penetrating stare) was excellent in this fine Fincher film, but how about that Andrew Garfield? He was the heart of this heartless story and between his performance in this and in Never Let Me Go, I can't wait to see his Spiderman!

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